JOHN: So called because he's been known to cast into raw sewage on a whim & doesn't always smell too "fresh" at times.
WEAPON of CHOICE: Sage 4pc., 9ft, 8wt fly rod & Sage 1680 Lrg. arbor reel, sarcasm
FAVORITE LURE: #4 Mepps Aglia, wooly bugger, coachman, personal aroma
FAVORITE FISH: next one I catch.
ACHIEVEMENTS: 25 species caught on a fly, not including flora & fauna.
ACHIEVEMENTS: 25 species caught on a fly, not including flora & fauna.
GOALS:sturgeon, pink & atlantic salmon. On a fly: gar, bowfin, musky, walleye. To fish another day!
MOTTO: Work to live - live to fish
TACKLE SHOP:Hauls around enough gear to outfit a tackle shop. His favorite pasttime next to fishing and telling fishing stories.
WEAPON of CHOICE:Berkley lightning rod, 6.5-7 ft.,med.heavy action & Pflueger president series reels spooled with Rapala Titanium Braid, 6-20Lbs. imposing stature
FAVORITE LURE: Yum 3" olive crayfish, 5 of diamonds spoon, bait, beard leftovers.
FAVORITE FISH:Smallmouth bass, largemouth trout, tunafish
ACHIEVEMENTS:Fished in Ontaio over 20 years and eaten only one fish
GOALS: Attain ZZ Top status beard length
THE RUSSIAN: Not really a Soviet, he just talks funny. Very impatient WEAPON of CHOICE:Shimano Voltaeus 7'med. action & Pflueger president series reel spooled with 12 lb Power Pro Braid. Slavic wit
FAVORITE LURE: Rapala Husky Jerk in siver blue, Mepps Aglia assorted sizes, corn, grappa
FAVORITE FISH: Pike, carp, bowfin...they all taste good!
ACHIEVEMENTS:Little Mormyshka 4/26/11, single handedly decimated round gobi population in Pefferlaw Creek 06/05/10
GOALS:find recipe to make gobis palatable, wants to have name changed to The Gobinator
TREEFROG: Named after his favorite lure and where it usually ends up.WEAPON of CHOICE: Berkley Cherrywood 6.5 ft.Med. action & Quantum reel spooled with10Lb Power Pro, selective naivety.
FAVORITE LURE:He's still learning
FAVORITE FISH: Pike, bass, anything that eats frogs. Nemo
ACHIEVEMENTS: Escaped Toronto only to get caught in Whitby where he's raising tadpoles of his own.
MOTTO: I'll be there at 2 am....Really!
DODGER: Not easy to pin down. Highly evasive
WEAPON of CHOICE: Compac 2pc., 9 ft., 8 wt. fly rod & Crystal River reel spooled with WFF line, complete indifference
FAVORITE LURE: Cone head egg cluster, deer hair caddis, beer
FAVORITE FISH: Chinook salmon, rainbow & brown trout
ACHIEVEMENTS: Left last relationship with scrotum intact

RAVEN: Easily distracted by shiny things, frequently squawks, not opposed to putting on a show for comic relief, difficult to ruffle.
WEAPON OF CHOICE:The rod he hasn't misplaced yet, nail gun.
FAVORITE LURE:2 yrs ago - worm, last year -Mepps spinner, soiled panties.
FAVORITE FISH:McDonald's fillet-o-fish, The Incredible Mr. Limpet.
ACHIEVEMENTS: Successfully rearing several hatch-lings, recently found new nest with old mate. Learned to hold a fish pointing left.